The key to keeping insects and creatures out of your Houston home or business is studying. You have to read about the description and operation of...

The key to keeping insects and creatures out of your Houston home or business is studying. You have to read about the description and operation of...
When you see a pest on your San Antonio property, you might ask yourself several questions. It would be logical to wonder how the critter...
It seems pests are forever trying to get inside your San Antonio home or business. Many are very challenging to get rid of. They might...
Did you know there are over 12,000 species of ants in the world? Of those 12,000, one particularly pesky one that we have to deal with here in...
Given that mice are considered to be the most common-home invading pests, you’ve probably come across them, at some point, in your Houston home. And...
Have you ever been outside of your Houston home only to come in and discover a tick has latched onto your skin? Ticks don’t just feed on the blood...
Have you ever seen a beetle in your home but not worried about it because, after all, it’s just a beetle? Well, if it’s a cigarette beetle, there...
Some of the most common pests that a San Antonio homeowner might see around the house are spiders. One such spider, native to the San Antonio area,...
The idea of having ants in your San Antonio home is bad enough. Now imagine those ants are inside of your walls, eating through, and destroying the...
Have you ever heard the stories about earwigs crawling into peoples’ ears and then laying eggs in their brains? Well, those stories are just...
If you’ve lived in San Antonio long enough, you know how normal it is to have scorpions around your property. These creepy pests are very common but...
Fleas are some of the most common pests in Dallas, TX, but it can take weeks before homeowners realize they have a flea problem. Many people don’t...
Dallas residents experience different wasp populations throughout the year, but a lesser-known wasp species is the mud dauber. Many Dallas...
German cockroaches are a nightmare for property owners in Dallas/Fort Worth. These pests have a reputation for spreading diseases and stressing...
There are very few reasons to dislike Summer in Fort Worth, but if you have to choose a reason, maybe you’ll pick mosquitoes. Texas residents know...
But first... What is a camel cricket? Those two words do not seem like they belong in the same animal name. Like all crickets, camel crickets have...
Sometimes, the name for a pest can give people the wrong idea of where they are likely to encounter it. For instance, bed bugs aren't only inside a...
Whether dangerous or not, most people don’t want spiders around their property. These creepy critters are usually represented as villains, and for...
People can get so distracted with the obvious pests, like ants that crawl all over countertops, that they forget about pests that might be lurking...
Some ants are a lot scarier than others. While most of the invasive species you’re likely to find are just a nuisance and not harmful to people or...
Not knowing all of the traits of various pest varieties can leave people with the wrong idea of how dangerous an infestation can be. Stinging...
Termites can be a home or business owner’s worst nightmare. Fortunately, you don’t need to wait until it’s too late to deal with termites. There...
Although one cockroach may not seem like a problem, it’s the sign of trouble to come. One cockroach means there are more, and you’ll soon find...
In San Antonio, scorpions inspire fear. They have an intimidating appearance and a bad reputation. If you don’t want to find scorpions in or near...
There are a lot of great things about San Antonio, but pests aren't one of them. Homeowners in the area need to take action to protect their...
If you find one centipede or millipede in your Fort Worth home, you’ve found too many. Before the problem gets out of hand, you should act quickly....
Many types of household pests are attracted to food. While some only cause limited damage, others can contaminate your entire pantry. Learn about...
When we think about fleas, most of us think of household pets like cats and dogs. But, did you know that your home is vulnerable to fleas even if...
People have a lot of misconceptions about pests and some can cause them to underestimate just how big of a problem they can cause. Crickets are like...
Whether a pest is dangerous or just a nuisance, they are all unpleasant to have around. Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but some pests...
Pests in your home are more than just creepy, they can actually be dangerous to your health and property. Infestations of harmful pests, like...
Some pests look bizarre and alien, the kind of creatures you’d see in one of those old sci-fi thrillers. However, looks can be deceiving. Some...
Controlling pest populations isn’t just about keeping gross critters off your property, it can also be about controlling the spread of dangerous...
Flying insects and creatures tend to alarm people. Sometimes, it’s because they can appear suddenly and have unpredictable movements. In other...
Did you know that medical and insect professionals deem mosquitoes the most dangerous specimens on earth? These bugs do more than just annoy people...
No one wants pests around. Bugs are gross and worrisome enough, but animals that aren’t bugs bring a whole different level of concern. Rodents are...
If there was a “top ten” list of pests that frighten people, spiders would probably be in the lead. They move about so quietly, and they startle you...
When it comes to pest control, ants, spiders, roaches, and rodents are often mentioned first. These critters can destroy property and make you sick...
Ants are often thought to be small, insignificant pests that annoy people. The only accurate part of this notion is that they’re...
It can be quite jarring to suddenly stumble across something skittering across your kitchen or basement floor. No one gets excited about rodents...
A common pest in the Houston area is the paper wasp. There is a lot you probably know about them. You know that they sting. You know that they...
Ticks are parasites that can be hazardous to your health. If you live in Houston, you should take action to prevent ticks from coming onto your...
Have you ever paid to have a new carpet installed? If you've ever invested in new carpeting, you might be a bit more sensitive when you hear the...
You can’t get very far in San Antonio without coming across an ant. Whether marching down the sidewalk, eating outdoor leftovers, or building nests...
When summer kicks into gear, so will all the living creatures in your Houston yard. Warm weather helps many critters move like well-oiled machines....