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Common types of rodents in Texas

Rodents are a type of mammal, and all rodents, no matter their species, size, or shape, have one thing in common- they all have continuously growing front incisors. In order to keep their incisors at a manageable length, rodents are constantly chewing. Here in Texas, the most common types of rodents are the house mouse and Norway rat. Read on to learn more about these rodents.

House Mice

house mouse on ground

The house mouse is, as its name suggests, a very common house-infesting pest in our area and throughout the country.

These mice have round bodies that are covered in light brown to gray hair. Their underbellies are light-cream colored. They have pointed muzzles and large ears that are covered in a light layer of hair. House mice have long tails, sometimes the same length or longer than their bodies.

These rodents breed quickly and easily adapt to new conditions. Both are reasons why finding and eliminating mice without professional help can be a difficult task to accomplish.

Norway Rats

norway rats eating seeds

Although their name would indicate they hail from Norway, Norway rats are originally from China. International trade in the 18th century brought these large rodents to the U.S.

Norway rats, also called brown rats, have heavy, dense bodies that are covered in shaggy brown or gray fur that is peppered with black hairs. Their undersides are lighter gray or white. Norway rats have blunt noses and tails that are shorter than their body length. These rodents have poor vision and rely on their long whiskers to find their way. Like mice, Norway rats reproduce quickly.

Are rodents dangerous?

Mice and rats are dangerous to people and property. Health risks associated with rodents include food contamination from their feces and urine and the spread of diseases such as Hantavirus, dysentery, and salmonellosis.

As mentioned above, rodents are always chewing. Unfortunately, if given the opportunity, house mice and Norway rats will chew on furniture and belongings, drywall, insulation, electrical wires, and other building materials. In many cases, rodents have been cited as the source of fires in homes and businesses. Damages caused by these pests can be extensive and costly to fix.

Rodents are also capable of destroying crops and damaging gardens.

Why do I have a rodent problem?

If your home or property provides mice and rats with the resources they need to survive (i.e. food, water, and shelter) and the ability to get to them, then you’re likely to have a rodent problem at some point. The smallest opening on the exterior of your structure may provide access inside and once inside, rodents will take over. Worse, they do not stop breeding once they’re inside, so one mouse or rat can quickly turn into a major infestation.

Where will I find rodents?

House mice nest in dark, secluded places as well as places near food sources. This includes attics, wall voids, storage rooms, and crawl spaces. It is not uncommon to find house mice nesting under appliances or discover their droppings in cupboards or on counters.

Norway rats are likely to be found on lower levels as they are not good at climbing and are not very agile critters. Crawl spaces and basements are common places to find Norway rats. Though they prefer lower levels of buildings, they can be found in attics and upper levels when infestations are large.

How do I get rid of rodents?

The trick to getting rid of rodents is identifying and addressing the root problem. Simply setting a couple traps and catching foraging rodents will not solve the problem. In order to exterminate rodents, the source of the problem must be identified and corrected. For best results, professional rodent control is the way to go. At Romney Pest Control, we offer residential pest control and commercial pest services that target nuisance and destructive mice and rats.

Servicing Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and surrounding areas, our local TX pest control team has the knowledge, experience, and industry-leading tools to get rid of rodents – and keep them out! Contact the rodent control pros at Romney today!

How can I prevent rodent infestations?

Romney Pest Control recommends the following rodent prevention tips for Texas property owners:

  • Inspect the foundation, exterior walls, and roofline for any openings and seal/repair as necessary.
  • Trim trees and bushes away from the structure so that they cannot form a bridge.
  • Keep gutters clear or leaves and other organic debris and make sure downspouts point away from the structure
  • Install mesh over weep holes and other entry points that cannot be sealed.
  • Harvest gardens often.
  • Remove unnecessary clutter inside and out.
  • Keep trash stored in durable containers with covers that shut tightly.
  • Do not leave pet food and water outside overnight.
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a happy customer in his home in fort worth texas

Ray T.

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