Summary: Wolf spiders are an extremely common Texas pest, but that doesn't make them any less intimidating! This blog explores the unique qualities...

Summary: Wolf spiders are an extremely common Texas pest, but that doesn't make them any less intimidating! This blog explores the unique qualities...
There are over 45,000 different types of spiders worldwide. Seeing a spider in your home can be frightening—especially if you don’t know whether...
Spiders populate homes at all times, no matter the season. Fewer than 5% of the spiders you see in your home have ever set foot outside. Even...
Wolf spiders look intimidating, although they aren’t much of a threat, especially when compared to black widow spiders and other types of spiders....
Spiders are a nuisance and very scary for some people. Some urban myths have even suggested that people swallow eight spiders annually while...
Arachnophobia, or fear of spiders, is one of the most common fears. Unfortunately, the vast majority of us will still have to encounter spiders at...
Many people suffer from arachnophobia, the abnormal or irrational fear of spiders. Despite this, spiders can be beneficial, eating unwanted insects...
From brown recluse spiders to black widows, several dangerous spiders live in Texas. Brown recluse spiders are some of the most infamous spiders in...
Despite the general disdain for spiders, homeowners should think twice before killing them. While they can bite, many household spiders do more good...
Spiders are some of the most hated pests on the planet. They arouse so much fear in people, there is a known psychological phobia of them, called...
We derive their name from the Ancient Greek word "λύκος" meaning wolf, and they certainly live up to that name by being agile insect hunters with...
In the state of Texas, there are a number of spiders that invade human homes regularly, including the common house spider, otherwise known as the...
It would make sense that since brown recluse spiders are arguably the most dangerous spiders in America, they would be easy to identify. Due to...
They’re mean, they’re unseen – and you’d better be ready to deal with it! Spiders are an ever-common sight down here in Dallas. Black widow spiders...
People are right to be afraid of spiders. Not only are the eight-legged critters creepy to look at, but they are also often a sign of a larger pest...
Some of the most common pests that a San Antonio homeowner might see around the house are spiders. One such spider, native to the San Antonio area,...
Whether dangerous or not, most people don’t want spiders around their property. These creepy critters are usually represented as villains, and for...
If there was a “top ten” list of pests that frighten people, spiders would probably be in the lead. They move about so quietly, and they startle you...
If you live in San Antonio, you are likely to come across several types of spiders. One such spider is the jumping spider. While many people are...
If you're seeing more spiders than usual, the first thing it means is that you have a higher risk for all the problems that come with having spiders...
There is something unsettling about a large, hairy spider being in a location a large hairy spider shouldn't be in, such as in the drain of your...
Brown recluse spiders are widely known for their dangerous venomous bite and the health problems that come from it. One of the most well-known...
The world is filled with spiders. They live in the ground. They live in trees. They live inside man-made structures. There are so many spiders in...