In San Antonio, millipedes are common pests. There are over 1,000 species of the creature in the U.S and many more across the globe. Nevertheless,...

In San Antonio, millipedes are common pests. There are over 1,000 species of the creature in the U.S and many more across the globe. Nevertheless,...
The sting from a Texas scorpion is not likely to be fatal, but it can hurt like crazy. It can also send you to the hospital. In the last two years,...
Some services are worth the money, while others are just a luxury. If you think that mosquito control is a luxury that you don’t need, you may want...
Although termites aren’t pests you want near your home, they are fascinating insects. There’s a lot of information you probably don’t know...
Cockroaches are relentless. They reproduce like crazy. They climb walls and run across ceilings. They squeeze through gaps that are half their size....
Centipedes are solitary, nocturnal creatures that likely won’t infest your home. However, if they are roaming about at night, it would be unsettling...
Chances are as a Houston homeowner, you’ve heard about several pests ranging from flies to termites. However, it’s not likely you’ve heard about a...
It’s possible that silverfish were on the earth even before dinosaurs. Having survived centuries of harsh conditions and natural disasters, the...
If you live in San Antonio, you are likely to come across several types of spiders. One such spider is the jumping spider. While many people are...
You might not know what a cigarette beetle is, but you’ve probably seen one. In San Antonio, the beetle is a common sight on residential and...
As a pet owner, you probably do everything you can to protect your animals from harm's way. But some owners overlook the importance of flea...
People usually have one of two reactions to seeing a cockroach. They either feel the need to burn down the house or think that one sighting doesn’t...
Spotting a bug with six or eight legs is enough to give us the creepy crawlies, but these many-legged insects can deliver even more of an unwelcome...
Got a mouse in your house? Before you head out to buy a couple of mousetraps, take a moment to reconsider your do-it-yourself approach. Rodents are...
Most Texas residents are familiar with the sight of scorpions. These creatures, with a stinger attached to their tail and intimidating pincers, can...
At this point in the year, you may think that you have a couple more months before you need to start worrying about bugs. Unfortunately, in San...
In Texas, March is truly the beginning of spring. Flowers are beginning to bloom and it’s finally warm enough to spend some quality time outside....
The weather is warming up and it’s time to pull out your favorite sports gear, your fishing rods, and your spring-cleaning supplies. Spring is a...
As we enjoy the changing seasons here in Houston, pests are also sensitive to what they consider as less than favorable conditions. Particularly,...
We have all heard the rumors about Earwigs. You know, the ones about how they burrow down into your ear and then lay eggs and feed on your brain....
Our mild climate in South Texas means we can enjoy the outdoors year-round. However, the joy of being outdoors is sadly accompanied by the dangers...
Your home is precious - its a safe space to relax with family and friends. Therefore, it’s perfectly natural to take the invasion of pests like...
All pests are troublesome, but the ones that can be the most dangerous to your home are the ones that actively destroy the building materials and...
In Houston, we enjoy a warm climate, for the most part. However, the heat and humidity can lead to moisture which, unfortunately, tends to attract...
Any kind of pest that makes its way inside your home can be a problem, but rodents can be some of the most troublesome pests in your Houston home....
Here in the warm and humid temperatures of the southwest, no home or kitchen is truly safe from the malicious activity of these common pantry pests....
Ticks are small blood-sucking bugs that attach themselves to a host and feed until they’re full. There are four species in particular that are most...
You keep the house clean, you vacuum once a week, and you’re even halfway done with your New Year's organization plan. So where did these devilish,...
Silverfish are small, flightless insects that can be found in Fort Worth homes. They are moisture-seeking insects that get into homes through small...
ermites are some of the most infamous pests in the world. They are widespread and cause extensive damage, which gives them this...
Pest control is often dealt with reactively. When a kitchen starts crawling with cockroaches or ants, we get a call. When termites are discovered...
For the most part, the holiday season is a great time of year in San Antonio. The weather has cooled down, but it’s not frigid like in more northern...
Mild winters and warm, sunny weather are two of Houston’s top features that attract many visitors, year-round. However, we’re not just talking about...
San Antonio is home to the Alamo, Tower of the Americas, Historic Market Square, many museums and missions, and termites. These are destructive...
If you're seeing more spiders than usual, the first thing it means is that you have a higher risk for all the problems that come with having spiders...
At only about ¾ of an inch long or smaller, an adult silverfish isn't much to look at. And their larvae are even smaller. But these tiny, silver,...
What's in a name? When it comes to insect names, a lot actually. Spider crickets are a great example of this. These crickets actually look a bit...
There are many unfavorable conditions that can drive pests into San Antonio homes. If we get a long drought, they may enter in search of moisture....
There is something unsettling about a large, hairy spider being in a location a large hairy spider shouldn't be in, such as in the drain of your...
It’s simple. No Fort Worth homeowner wants to deal with the threat of termite damage. Unfortunately, here in Texas, termite infestations are...
A house mouse isn't much to look at. They're only about 2 ½ to 3 ¾ of an inch long. But what a house mouse lacks in size, it more than makes up for...
Brown recluse spiders are widely known for their dangerous venomous bite and the health problems that come from it. One of the most well-known...
Mosquitoes are tiny insects with long thin legs and transparent wings. Most mosquitoes are less than half an inch in length and distinguished from...
Fleas are tiny parasitic pests that depend on the blood of a host to survive. While these small insects do bite humans, fleas can't live on us....
Here in San Antonio, our warm year-round temperatures allow many pests to remain active when they would usually become dormant in other places...